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We Listened Survey Prompts New Global SIM Features

We Listened

In February 2018 Geodesa Limited carried out a customer insight survey about their GlobalM2Msim and GeoSIM Global SIM cards.  The aim of the We Listened survey was to try and establish how customers used their existing SIM cards, where they used them and what features and management tools they needed so that they could operate their applications, devices and SIMs in an effective and efficient manner.

Our customers consist of end users, resellers and distributors so we expected a variety of uses and requirements.  Our expectations were certainly met!

The most frequently requested SIM management functions were the ability to:

  • Transfer credit between SIM cards
  • Disable SIM card and re-enable
  • Check if a SIM is on a network

After the analysis of the responses we tasked ourselves with implementing some of the most requested features.

Transferring credit between SIMs

A number of our clients have more than one SIM card.  On occasions, they have a credit balance on one SIM and want to move it another of their SIMs.  Typically this is due to the SIM being lost but can also be due to the SIM no longer being required or it has been deactivated (see below).

Moving credit between SIMs allows the client to efficiently manage their balances and minimise dead credit which occurs when a SIM is no longer usable due to loss or end of use life.

As a result of the ‘We Listened’ survey, we created a simple “Move credit” option is available on each SIM and accessed through the management portal.  The client enters the amount of credit they want to move and choose the SIM they want to move it to.  An immediate transfer takes place but can be reversed if need be.

Disabling and enabling SIM cards

Clients reported numerous reasons that they would want to disable their SIM.  These included loss or theft of SIM, preserving credit when not in use and effectively disabling the M2M devices, such as a tracker or alarm, when the device is not in use.

The Global SIM management portal allows immediate disabling and re-enabling of the SIM card.  This can be done any number of times and is immediate. SIMs can be disabled and the credit moved from it to another SIM if required.

Checking if a SIM is on a network

Our Global M2M SIMs are typically used in devices without a screen or in remote locations where access is impractical or not possible.

On occasions the user needs to know if the device is operating normally or do some basic fault finding.  One of the first checks to perform is if the SIM or account has credit!  If there is no credit, no data will flow.  The second check is to see if the SIM is on a network.

At the click of a button in the management portal, the network and SIM is interrogated and depending on the response, the user is told the network status of their SIM.  This helps cut down on fault finding and reassures that the device is operating as expected.

We Listened

At Geodesa we pride ourselves in asking, understanding and responding to your needs.  Fundamentally, we listen…if we can implement it, we do that too!

Whilst we have not yet implemented all the features requested, we are working our way through the list.  Some will come online soon, other may take a while longer as they are more complex or of limited use to many users.

We Listened and will continue to listen.

We welcome your feedback so please get in touch

Ed Neal

Managing Director

Global M2M SIM card

Global M2M SIM cards

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